Monday, February 25, 2013

Has it truly been almost a year since I last posted?  I still want to post on how to make, bake and cook homemade, but I have also been feeling like I need to use this as a tool to reach others about my Lord and Savior.  Our Sunday School class has brought such growth in to my life as well as my husband's life!  We are almost done with the book of Genesis and God has revealed so much to me in this book.  It is so beautiful how everything and I mean EVERYTHING is weaved together in the Bible.  It is not just a book telling us what to do or what not to do.  It is a tapestry, of faith, love, sacrifice and everything else that we need to better our lives with.  So, I hope you enjoy this journey of mine as I learn more and more of what God has in store for my life and my family's life.  May you have a beautiful and blessed day!

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