Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What will you pass on?

Last night, as I was watching my oldest daughter sleep, I kept thinking to myself, "Am I a good mom?"  I know that every mom, at one time or another, has thought this to herself.  So many times, when I ask this question...I feel like I come up short.  At some point during the day, I may have blown it with my patience, or yelled instead of listening or put my chores in front of my time with my kids.  I pray everyday, for the strength to get through my day.  But then I have to think to myself, do I just want to get through?  Is that good enough?  The answer is a definite NO!  I think it is great to want to be the best mom I can be, but I think it is also good for my kids to see me struggle at times.  I want them to see that I cannot do this on my own, but with my Heavenly Father's strength.  I want them to know that it is okay to mess up, but to seek forgiveness when I am wrong.  I want them to know that they are loved, even when they are acting unlovable.  There is only One other that loves my kids more than I do, and that is the One that created them.  He has given them to me, and that is not a responsibility that I take lightly!  I know that I will always fall short, as a mom, because I am only human.  It is in those moments that when I do fail, that my kids will be watching closely.  They will see how I will respond and who I turn to when this happens.  When they see me turn to my Heavenly Father for strength and forgiveness, THAT is when I will be a great mom!  And that is what I hope to pass on!

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