Monday, March 12, 2012

Benefits and Uses of Whey

Benefits and uses of Whey
The best benefit of whey, is for you digestive system.  Whey is a great source of minerals and digestive bacteria.  When you have an upset stomach or the stomach flu, just drink a few ounces and it will help.  I try to drink at least 2 Tbs. a day to help with my colitis.  It has helped tremendously! 
The best way I have found to use whey in cooking, is for Sauerkraut.  It tastes awesome, and is quite easy to make.  I will share the recipe in another post:)
The best way to make whey, is by making cream cheese.  You can also use the whey from ricotta cheese, which I do most often.  It will have a bit of a bitter taste, just because it will have some of the apple cider vinegar.  But remember, Apple Cider Vinegar is crazy good for you!
Now I will show you how to make cream cheese.  You will be amazed at how EASY it is:)
Cream Cheese and Whey
(this is made with raw milk)
Leave the milk out at room temperature, preferably in a cupboard or dark space, and the natural bacteria will do the work for you.  It will turn it into cheese and whey.  You will know when the separation has occurred, because you will have cheese on top and the transparent whey is on the bottom.  This will take about 3-5 days, depending on the temperature of you home!
Pour the container into a cheese cloth that is on top of a colander, and the colander is resting on top of a bowl.  The Whey will drip through the cheese cloth.  This will take a few hours, and make sure that the cheese cloth is clear of the colander and bowl. 
Take the cheese cloth with the cheese in it and put it around a dial rod.  (tie corner to corner and put the dial rod through)  Then put a rubber band around the cheese cloth, or if you have made the knots strong enough, you won't need a rubber band.  The dial rod is so you can hang the cheese cloth to finish dripping the whey.  I lay the dial rod across a bowl, so I can catch the rest of the whey.  Just make sure to not squeeze the cheese.
Once it has stopped dripping, you now have cream cheese and whey.
*This is for Raw Milk only!

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