Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Let's talk laundry soap...

I don't know about you, but the last thing I feel like spending a ton of money on, is laundry soap.  Our family goes through detergent, like it is going out of style:)  You know what, though?  With 4 kids and a husband that works in a Tool shop, it is going to happen.  And that is okay!  I want my kids to explore, get muddy and have fun.  We only get 1 childhood, and I want our kids to live life to the fullest.  They are country kids, and I LOVE IT!  I got fed up with trying to buy the cheap kind of soap, but then paid with the fact that the stains just didn't want to come out.  So, I decided to do a little research.  I have a dear friend, Michelle, that has helped me with this.  She showed me the ingredients,and how to make the soap.  Do you know, that for about $25-$30 a year I can do our families laundry.  And the best thing, this soap works AWESOME!  It makes 5 gallons at a time, and lasts for a long time.  So, I will give you a list of what you will need, and when you have it all, then it is laundry soap making time.
List of Supplies
5 gallon bucket
1 package of Ivory bar soap (usually comes in 4,6,8)
1 box Borax
1 box Washing Soda
Tea Tree oil or Lavender oil (if wanted)

Making Laundry Soap
1. Grate 2 bars of soap into 2 quarts water
2.  Heat the soap and water on medium heat until the soap dissolves
3.  When you have the mixture ready, pour into the 5 gallon bucket
4.  Add 1 cup Borax, and whisk thoroughly
5.  Add 1 cup washing soda, and whisk thoroughly
6.  Add 5-6 drops of essential oil (my 2 favorite are Tea Tree & Lavender)
7.  Add enough water to fill the 5 gallon jug to within 2" from the top
8.  Now whisk everything together
9.  Keep whisking everything together every 2-4 hours for the next 24 hours.
10.  Now it is ready to use
Use 1 cup mixture to every one load of laundry
*It is normal if the soap is a little thick or like jello at first.  It will still clean really well, and after awhile it smooths out.  I whisk it every time before I use it.  You probably do not have to, but I have gotten into the habit of it.

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